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People We Should Honor and Imitate

May 4, 2014 Series: Discovering UnExpected Joy

Topic: New Testament Scripture: Philippians 2:19–2:30

Discovering UnExpected Joy
“People We Should Honor and Imitate”
Philippians 2:19-30
Application Questions for Week 11


Great movements of God often begin in
seemingly insignificant ways!


1. Paul wants to send Timothy to Philippi, yet he is very careful to add, “in the Lord Jesus” (2:19). What does that mean and what does this indicate about the thought process we should have as we care for others, counsel them, and as we look at future interactions?


2. Paul wants not only to tell the Philippians of his plans to send Timothy, but to remind them of the kind of man he is. What are the character qualities he emphasizes (2:19-23)?


3. Looking back over Philippians 2:1-18, how does Timothy’s life embody this section? What is the connection between genuine care for others (verse 20) and caring for the interests of Christ (verse 21)?


4. Paul gives us a snapshot of who Epaphroditus is in verses 25-30. (He is only mentioned here and in Philippians 4:18.) What kind of person do you think he was? What stands out about him? How does he resemble Timothy? How does he differ from him?


5. Verse 29 calls us to “honor such people”. How can we go about honoring people who, in Paul’s terms, are living honorable lives? How does honoring those whose lives produce the fruit of the gospel cause us to boast in the Lord?


6. If we were to study your life, is it evident that you are imitating these men? These men were not perfect by any means. Their lives were simply saturated with and consistent with the Gospel. Are there areas where the gospel-fruit evident in them is not evident in you? Are there areas where your life is not consistent with the Gospel?

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