Green Run Baptist Church is the North American headquarters for All India Prayer Fellowship. It is a missionary organization in India that was founded by Dr. P.N. Kurien in 1966. His son, Dr. Koshy Kurien, now oversees the daily affairs of the ministry. We have been partnering with these men in their vision of reaching all of India with the gospel of Jesus Christ for many years.
We provide financial support, oversee some general administrative responsibilities, and make annual trips to their campus in New Dehli to teach and train men and women from the surrounding regions to go out and help gather God's sheep. God has allowed us to help their ministry complete the AIPF Bible College and Seminary campus, build a church located on the campus called the Green Run Church of India, and build the AIPF mission hospital also located on the campus. Under the ministry of AIPF, over 4 million people in India have professed Jesus as their Lord and Savior.