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September 8, 2019

Topic: Old Testament Scripture: Judges 1:1– 2:5, Acts 13:16–26


  1. Why was a successor to Joshua not appointed? How is God’s divine sufficiency shown in the death of Joshua?  How might the lessons of Judges help us keep a proper balance between idolizing and ignoring biblical leadership within the body of Christ? 
  2. What does the book of Judges emphasize about God and men? How do the strengths and failures of the Judges point us to Jesus? 
  3. Why is half-hearted obedience so dangerous for a Christian? In what areas of your life do you find yourself half-hearted in your obedience of faith? What steps might you take to renew your faith today?
  4. Judges teaches us that we as Christians are prone to spiritual decline? What are causes of that decline and how can we strive to avoid it?
  5. What does the response of Adoni-bezek and the command to eliminate the Canaanites teach us about God’s justice and the danger of idolatry for us today? 
  6. Judges teaches us that the people of God began to fight the Lord's battles with the world’s resources and strategies.  What is the Lord's purpose for us today and how might we be tempted to use the world’s resources and strategies to accomplish them (e.g. in worship, in missions, in evangelism, etc.).
  7. Judges is all about God’s grace to an unworthy people. In what area of your life and thinking do you most need to be reminded today that God is a God of grace who will not abandon nor forsake you? How will the cross motivate you to deeper obedience of faith and devotion?