"By Scripture Alone"
October 7, 2018 Pastor: David Roth
Topic: New Testament Scripture: 2 Timothy 3:10–17
Application questions
- When considering the five pillars of Reformed Theology (Scripture alone, Grace alone, Faith alone, Christ alone, Glory to God alone), why must “Scripture alone” precede the others?
- Fill in the blank. “The twins slogans of Sola ______and Sola _____became the battle cry for the reformation”-R. C. Sproul
- Although we don’t use the words “infallible (unable to err) and inerrancy (without error)” in everyday speech, why are they important to our understanding of the authority of scripture?
- Does “Scripture alone” give the individual Christian the authority to interpret the bible outside of the historic orthodoxy?
- Why must sound doctrine “orthodoxy” precede how we live “orthopraxy” a high?
- Is the Bible sufficient to address the issues facing modern day Christianity?