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A Christian's View of Life and Death

March 30, 2014 Series: Discovering UnExpected Joy

Topic: New Testament Scripture: Philippians 1:18b–1:26

Discovering UnExpected Joy
A Christian's View of Life and Death
Philippians 1:18b-26
Application Questions for Week 6


Great movements of God often begin in
seemingly insignificant ways!


1. Joy is a dominant theme in the book of Philippians. What is a biblical definition of joy (verse 18b)? Why does biblical joy thrive in the midst of trials? Explain. Are you characterized by biblical joy? If not, what are some things you can begin to change/do in order to cultivate a deepen passion for Christ in the gospel?


2. Read verse 21 again. Prayerfully and honestly answer this question, “For me, to live is ______________?” Explain your answer. If you are dealing with discouragement or frustration in your life, could your answer to the above question be the reason behind some of the difficulty you face? Why or why not?


3. Read again verses 22-23. Why was Paul so confident that death is gain for him? Prayerfully and honesty answer this question, “For me, death is ____________?” Explain your answer. Does Paul’s confidence mean that we should support life-ending practices or that we should not seek medical treatment that might prolong life? Why or why not?


4. Paul said he is confident that God would set him free because his living Christ before the congregation would be best for the church. He lived for their progress and joy in the faith (verses 24-26). What is your focus in what you do (parenting, friendships, membership within GRBC)? Are there areas where your focus has been more on your reputation rather than the renown of Christ and the progress of others? If so, how can the gospel begin to change you and your focus?

More in Discovering UnExpected Joy

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Parting Words

June 8, 2014

I Have Learned and Know My God Shall Supply

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Exhortation, Encouragement, & Excellent Applications