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Cultivating Deep-Seated Gospel Affections

March 23, 2014 Series: Discovering UnExpected Joy

Topic: New Testament Scripture: Philippians 1:12–18

Discovering UnExpected Joy
Cultivating Deep-Seated Gospel Affections
Philippians 1:12-18
Application Questions for Week 5


Great movements of God often begin in
seemingly insignificant ways!


1. The first step in cultivating deep-seated Gospel affections is understanding the Gospel. How did Pastor Stephen define the Gospel? What did he mean by the word “affections?”


2. Gospel affections are not increased without cultivating them in your life. In what ways must you change in order to better cultivate Gospel affections? Think about your private devotional life, family life, and life as a church member. What might be distracting you from cultivating strong Gospel affections?


3. In consideration of Paul's Gospel mindset, how should GRBC define success as a church? Give some examples of what success would look like.


4. How must a proper mindset of God's sovereignty affect your motives in ministry and church life?


5. Consider your motivations: why do you do what you do? Think about all areas of life (family, work, church, leisure, neighborhood, etc.). In what ways might you need to adjust your motives so that the glory of Christ is more important than your own recognition?


6. What is your deepest joy in life? As you examine your heart, what are you finding your heart most intensely longing for? Ask a trusted Christian brother/sister to help you understand what your life conveys as most important to you.

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